Snuck up on me

A thief upon a tourist

One moment I’m strong

next I’m a repulsive ball of snot

I never really learned to cry

Or address feelings hard to admit

Bare myself and give it all away

To a stranger

One who happens to hold sway

But I did that shit anyway

Like watching a film on the screen

I watched me disappear in-between

A mountainous landscape

Desires and emotions

Too many to count

Or latch onto 

A kaleidoscope of feelings

Bringing me to my knees

Decimating my ego

Destroying my strengths

Now I’m naked and bared

Cold, shivering and scared

And what’s this all mean?

Stretched at the seams 

Ready to break away

Turn tail and run

It’s an easier path

Table for one

Heart stops me cold

Yet it burns too much

A baker’s oven heating my chambers

Her voice, her eyes, her touch

All pierce my soul and I’m nothing once more

Want to stand erect

But I’m glued to the floor


Want to understand it all

What it means

Why it hits like it does

Regardless the story it’s told

It doesn’t matter in the end

Guess I’m not that bold

I just embrace it hit me

Feel lucky where I didn’t

And know it’s something to hold

Freddy Beans

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